Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hello from LEAF

Hey fellow greasers, It's Pat Hannon with LEAF LLC. It's been a while since we have blogged and wanted to update our status for the Columbus, OH branch. We have currently converted 13 vehicles to run on veggie oil (WVO) and are selling filtered to 1 micron oil at $2/gal. Contact info is or 614-829-7159 for the office number. I also want to start adding the current temperature settings I am using to switch over my greasecar kit, and will continue to update when I change due to weather, so currently I am switching over when my coolant hits 140deg and my oil is around 90deg at that coolant temp. If anyone would like more info about running on wvo or if you want a free quote to convert your vehicle feel free to contact me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Thanks for visiting our site. LEAF is a new company whose purpose is to establish an organization that supports the creation and consumption of alternative fuel and to provide a "cool", fun, and achievable alternative to major oil consumption. LEAf started and is based out of Columbus, Ohio, however we also operate out of Honolulu, HI.

We are currently collecting, filtering, and selling oil in Columbus, as well as converting diesel vehicles to run on SVO. We are getting ready to collaborate with Eartha Ltd to produce and sell Biodiesel. In Hawaii, we are holding monthly Summits with other SVO and biodiesel drivers to put on workshops and other events to create social awareness on the Island. We are looking to start collecting oil from various local restaurants/events to start a filtration station that mimics the one in our Columbus warehouse.

Have a look around, get familiar with the concepts and what we are doing. Keep checking back for photos of vehicles conversions, Hawaii Summits, and updates on what LEAF is doing. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Mahalo!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to LEAF

Happy New Year and thanks for checking out our blog. Seems like today is a good day for our first post. It is a new year and a year that I hope we can start changing the world. LEAF (Lono Earth Alternative Fuels) is Columbus' information center and support hub for Vegetable Oil and Biodiesel Powered Vehicles.